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Finding a way through the sustainability jungle is the topic of this year's FINAT Technical Seminar (Fédération Internationale des Fabricants et Transformateurs d'adhesifs et thermocollants sur papiers et autres support) taking place in Barcelona from November 23-25. How is more sustainability achieved and how can it be benefited? Is it really possible to meet all the requirements and demands of brand owners?
A number of experts will explain different concepts and show what solutions there are to become more environmentally friendly and reduce waste. At the same time, they will address future legal aspects that are necessary to achieve the goals of the circular economy and thus create added value for the industry and ultimately for the consumer and society.
During this seminar, Nicole Senn, Head of Research & Development at artimelt, will demonstrate what sustainable hotmelt adhesives offer and how they can be applied. How is more sustainability achieved? How do we turn intentions into actions and create measurable facts? And how does this create competitive advantage? She will also discuss the different regulations around the world, what needs to be considered and how they can be met.
We are looking forward to an exciting 3 days and many stimulating discussions with regard to the ideal exploitation of sustainable opportunities.