Sustainable hot melt solutions

Sustainable hotmelt

Sustainable hot melt solutions

artimelt has a long history of focusing on sustainable production and the careful selection of raw materials. In principle. Hot melts can be regarded as sustainable.

Hot melts are 100% systems in that the product consists entirely of the adhesive itself. They are solvent-free, with the result that no carrier liquids (which would otherwise increase the volume of the adhesive significantly) need to be transported and dried. Hot melt adhesives can therefore be considered more sustainable by definition. But artimelt offers more.

Recycling enabled with hot melts

Some of artimelt’s adhesive solutions enable and simplify recycling processes: artimeltwashoff ensures temporary bonding with good initial adhesion, which, on the other hand, decreases significantly in alkaline solutions and at elevated temperatures. Suitable for both PET bottles and reusable glass bottles.

Find out more about artimeltwashoff


Solutions with the specific property of artimeltrecyclable may consist of raw materials that are as similar as possible to the product to be recycled itself. Alternatively, they may also be hot melts whose raw materials are harmless and do not interfere with the recycling process. Possible areas of application include packaging and traditional adhesive tapes, but also labels for plastic bottles made from the same polymer group.

Find out more about artimeltrecyclable

Bio-based: it’s all about the raw materials

With the artimeltbiobased series, artimelt has adhesive solutions that set new industry benchmarks:  they consist of up to 95% genuinely bio-based raw materials. Renewable raw materials are used that do not compete for food production: wood, molasses, vegetable oils, etc. For labeling and packaging solutions; it can be used for direct or indirect food contact. Medical applications are another possibility.

Find out more about artimeltbiobased

Compostability: striding into the future

Thanks to its constant research and innovation, artimelt is already offering biodegradable hot melt adhesives. But the aim is to develop hot melts that can even be composted. A laminating adhesive with the specific property artimeltdegradable has already been presented by artimelt. Biodegradable hot melt adhesive solutions are used in the production of environmentally friendly packaging materials, for example, but are also used for labels and food packaging.

Find out more about artimeltdegradable

Sustainability measures at artimelt

Selection of raw materials

Renewable raw materials are prioritized and the proportion of petrochemical substances is being consistently reduced.

Raw material procurement

artimelt requests PCF data from its suppliers in order to formulate products with a low carbon footprint in a targeted manner.

Social aspects

artimelt consistently ensures that suppliers take into account all relevant moral and social aspects.

Energy consumption

artimelt sources all of its electricity from sustainable Swiss hydropower. By participating in the program operated by the Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector, artimelt is also actively reducing CO2 emissions and optimizing energy efficiency.

Waste management

Waste generated during the manufacturing process is returned to the cycle, reused (in some applications) or disposed of properly.


artimelt is ISO 14001 certified. This standard defines globally recognized requirements for an environmental management system.

Bronze medal

The assessment by EcoVadis – an independent platform – covers a wide range of criteria, including environmental protection, social responsibility, fair business practices and ethical standards.


artimelt supports its logistics partners as it seeks to make its transport operations carbon neutral by 2050.

­ Processing

artimelt hot melt adhesives are always solvent-free, which means that there is no need to dispose of or recover such substances.


We will be happy to calculate the environmental footprint of our hot melt adhesives upon request.

Technical article

Read the article “Committed to sustainability: artimelt launches new hot melts”


Here you will find detailed information about the sustainable solutions from artimelt and the possible uses in your industry.

Sie suchen nach einer individuellen Hotmelt-Lösung?

artimelt hat auf jede Herausforderung eine Antwort.


Was ist Hotmelt genau?

Zur Herstellung der Schmelzklebstoffe werden die Rohstoffe (Polymere, Harze, Weichmacher, Additive) gemischt. Dabei entsteht eine fliessfähige, homogene Mischung – der Hotmelt-Klebstoff.

Was lässt sich mit Hotmelt kleben?

In der Anwendung sind Schmelzklebstoffe äusserst vielseitig. Nur einige Beispiele:

  • Permanente oder ablösbare Klebstoffe für Etiketten, Klebebänder und Sicherheitsanwendungen auf verschiedenen Substraten
  • Kaschieren von Dekormaterialien (Textilien, Nonwoven) auf Trägerelementen aus Holz, Metall, Kunst- oder Verbundstoffen
  • Wiederverschliessbare Verpackungen
  • Hochtransparente «Clear-on-Clear»-Etiketten
  • Klebstoffe für direkten Lebensmittelkontakt
  • Textilkaschierungen für Bauanwendungen
  • Selbstklebende Medizinalprodukte für den direkten Hautkontakt
  • Und viele weitere mehr

Ich finde hier keinen passenden Klebstoff; was tun?

Gerne entwickeln wir Ihre individuelle Hotmelt-Lösung nach Ihren Vorgaben. Wir optimieren vorhandene Rezepturen für Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen oder entwickeln eine neue, passgenaue Lösung.