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Colored hotmelt adhesives from artimelt

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The development of innovative hot melt adhesives with particular properties that precisely meet specific requirements is one of artimelt’s core strengths. The issue of sustainability is also one of the challenges that artimelt is mastering.

Two main application areas

Medical applications

artimelt hot melt adhesives for use in medical products are developed and produced in compliance with the current version of the standard (EN) ISO 13485. The main focus of this standard is product safety. The high requirements apply to all stages from development to production. Further information on medical applications is available here

We are also familiar with the Medical Device Regulation (MDR, EU 2017/745). We are always up to date with this regulation to ensure we support our customers through compliance with the relevant requirements.

Top adhesives in the medical field – developed for your specific application

One of artimelt’s areas of expertise is the development of hot melt adhesives for medical products with direct skin contact in many different applications: plasters with graduated adhesive strengths, wound dressings, eye plasters, adhesive tapes for use on the skin or the operating table, incision films and applications in the field of veterinary medicine or for sports tapes.

We also develop laminating adhesives for tissue lamination as well as adhesives for hot and cold sealing. Hot melt adhesives specifically tailored to customer requirements are also developed for many other applications.


White but no zinc oxide

The hot melt adhesives colored white with titanium dioxide and developed to your specifications as artimeltwhite can be used for various direct skin contact applications, for example, where a contrast to the substrate is required or when using white substrates, such as sports tapes or white wound dressings.

  • Zero zinc oxide adhesive
  • Weak to strong adhesion to the skin
  • Biocompatibility tested according to ISO 10993-5
  • Graduated skin adhesion


UV crosslinkable and versatile

UV hot melt adhesives with artimeltuvcured properties are irradiated (“crosslinked”) with UVC light to give them the required adhesion and shear resistance properties. Because UVC light is not part of the natural light spectrum, no post-crosslinking can occur during application. Different adhesion properties can be achieved by varying the UV irradiation intensity during adhesive crosslinking.

  • Environmentally friendly – can replace solvent-based systems
  • Coating weights up to 125 g/m2
  • High transparency
  • Resistant to plasticizers and chemicals
  • Chemically bonded photoinitiator – no migration
  • Breathable as acrylate-based


When your product needs to adhere to skin but not come off when sweating or showering, a breathable solution is required. This also applies to wearables, sports tapes and incision films. Hot melt adhesives developed for your application with artimeltbreathable properties allow moisture and gases to exchange between the covered skin and the environment through the adhesive and an appropriate substrate. This facilitates longer wear time on the skin as well as use in humid environments.


Treatment support

artimelt moisture-absorbing wound adhesive systems with artimelthydrocolloid properties allow the skin on an injury such as a foot blister to heal. Developed specifically for your application, the adhesive absorbs wound exudate creating a gel that reduces pressure and absorbs shocks. At the same time, this type of adhesive acts as a protective shield against the ingress of microorganisms.

  • High moisture absorption
  • Promotes granulation and epithelialization
  • Free of raw materials that require labeling or are allergenic

Find out more in our brochure "artimelthydrocolloid - Treatment support"


Silicone free

artimeltlowtrauma offers the ideal alternative to silicone. Silicone-based adhesives often require fluorinated release liners, which are classified as harmful. artimeltlowtrauma allows the use of harmless release liners with adherence performance comparable to silicone.

Hot melt adhesives with the artimeltlowtrauma property are characterized by good initial adhesion. And yet they enable painless removal of bandages and tapes and are exceptionally gentle on the wound and the surrounding skin. This ensures the wound healing process is not compromised in any way by trauma when changing the dressing or plaster. The gentle peel property is the result of the right choice of substrate, adhesive type and application weight. Adhesives with the artimeltlowtrauma property are breathable, too, as they are acrylate-based. This adhesive is also ideal for repositionable applications and is an excellent solution for wound care on sensitive skin, especially for the elderly and children. It also works well for eye patches, fixing catheters, and pressure sore care.

Find out more in our brochure "artimeltlowtrauma - Skin-friendly, without silicone"


Easy skin adhesion

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltgentlepeel properties can be released from the skin cleanly and painlessly. At normal application weights, they adhere more strongly than products with artimeltlowtrauma characteristics and are ideal for medical tapes and wound dressings. Hot melt solutions with artimeltgentlepeel properties can be incorporated into your requirement for both breathable and conventional hot melt solutions.

  • 180º peel
  • 1<>10 N/25 mm
  • loop tack
  • 5<>15 N/25 m


Medium skin adhesion

Hot melt solutions with artimeltmediumpeel properties have been developed to provide medium skin adhesion. They are used in areas where plasters or bandages require greater adhesion and where more than minimal force would be required to remove them. We can develop both breathable and conventional hot melt adhesives for your applications to meet to your requirements.

  • 180º peel
  • 11<>20 N/25 mm
  • loop tack
  • 16<>25 N/25 m


Strong skin adhesion

When good adhesion to the skin is the main requirement, for example in wounds on joints or other parts of the body that are subject to a wide range of movement, hot melt adhesives with artimeltstrongpeel properties are the answer. These adhesives do remain attached to the skin, even under stress and movement.

  • 180º peel
  • >21N/25 mm
  • loop tack
  • >25N/25 m


Direct skin contact

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltskin properties are developed for applications with direct skin contact. We can develop an adhesive variant according to your specifications that is finely graded to meet a wide range of requirements, including adhesives specially designed for particularly sensitive skin, such as that of babies or the elderly.


If your application requires safe demarcation of a sterile environment, artimelt can develop a specific, UV-curable, antimicrobial hot melt adhesive for you. This is particularly beneficial for incision films during surgery, for example: the film adheres securely to the edge of the wound and therefore protects the skin flora.


Hot melt adhesives with artimeltconstruction properties are the answer for many applications, for example, when constructing or laminating medical products such as multilayer coverings, or for packaging and packaging closures, or when constructing electrodes.



If you are looking for an adhesive with only a low surface tack but perfect adhesion to itself, then artimeltcohesive properties are the answer. These innovative solutions are made from polyolefin-based raw materials and contains no latex, therefore no allergens. A typical application is cohesive bandages. With an adhesive with artimeltcohesive properties designed for your specific bandage application, the bandage can be rolled up and unrolled several times without losing its adhesive properties; and it sticks only where it should: to itself – not to clothes, skin or hair.

Adhesive with artimeltcohesive properties can also be used to cold-seal packaging.

Find out more in our brochure "artimeltcohesive - Ideal for bandages"


No animal testing

Any hot melt adhesive with artimeltcosmetics properties developed for you will meet the guidelines for use with cosmetic products and can be used directly on human skin. Neither raw material selection nor the development of the adhesives involve animal testing. One possible application is temporary tattoos.

Industrial Applications

artimelt hot melt adhesives are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. They are particularly relevant in the security, packaging, construction, transportation and labeling sectors as well as for labels for the food sector and adhesive tapes. Contact us for a consultation so we can develop the adhesive to meet your needs, with a focus on sustainability if desired.


artimelt hot melt adhesives are defined by specific properties that enable product applications that are among the best available on the market worldwide. artimelt is also making significant progress in the development of a wide range of bio-based and color-changing adhesives as well as convincing solutions for demanding surfaces.


Room temperature

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltbasic properties are the starting point for your room temperature applications. They are also available in color, depending on the requirements.




UV crosslinkable

UV hot melt adhesives with artimeltuvcured properties are irradiated (“crosslinked”) with UVC light to give them the required adhesion and shear resistance properties. Since UVC light is not part of the natural light spectrum, no post-crosslinking can occur during application. Different adhesion properties can be achieved by varying the UV irradiation intensity when crosslinking the adhesive. High internal strength (cohesion) is achieved by strong crosslinking of the adhesive, while high adhesion values (adhesion) are achieved with less UV radiation.

In industrial applications, UV-crosslinked hot melt adhesives are suitable for permanent or removable, resealable and repositionable labels, as well as for adhesive tapes. Due to their high UV stability, they can be used for outdoor applications without any problems.




Breathable hot melt adhesives are also in demand outside the medical industry, but they do not have to meet the same stringent requirements. From removable to strongly adhesive, we can develop the adhesive with the specific properties for your application.




Bio hot melt adhesives

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltecoline properties combine the two specific properties of artimeltbiobased and artimeltrecyclable. Significantly, all hot melt solutions developed with these properties consist primarily of renewable raw materials and are recyclable. Compostable adhesives represent the next challenge.




Sustainable bonding

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltbiobased properties (both pressure-sensitive adhesives and non-PSA) are characterized by high sustainability. At least 50% of the raw materials used are renewable and bio-based. Depending on the application, the proportion of renewable raw materials can even be higher than 90%.

These adhesive solutions are developed to your specific requirements and are particularly suitable for paper and film labels for bags, pouches and packaging materials made from renewable materials as well as for self-adhesive finishes for plastic products made from renewable sources.




Industrially compostable

Current biodegradable hot melt adhesives consist of substances that decompose in an industrial composting environment. artimelt has already unveiled a laminating adhesive marketed under the name artimeltdegradable after subjecting it to a series of successful application tests. Particularly suitable for environmentally friendly packaging materials, food packaging and general labels.

In the area of pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA), artimelt has a product in development.




If an adhesive is to be washed off during recycling and neither interfere with this process nor affect the recyclate quality, then the artimeltrecyclable property is required. A hot melt adhesive developed for you on this basis is characterized by the fact that it can either be removed during end product recycling or comprises similar materials to the product itself and can therefore be recycled in the same process.





For temporary bonding with good initial adhesion. In alkaline solutions in water and at elevated temperatures, the adhesive loses an important part of its adhesion. It remains on the label without leaving any residue, either on the product that is going to be recycled/reused or in the water. Particularly suitable for PET labels and labels for reusable glass bottles.

PET bottles are shredded during recycling; the label residues are subsequently separated from the PET pieces in the sink-float process.

Reusable glass bottles are washed whole and refilled; the label containing the adhesive is removed without leaving any residue.





For food contact

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltfood properties are suitable for applications involving direct or indirect contact with food and comply with the relevant guidelines (FDA 21 CFR 175.125 (direct food contact), FDA 21 CFR 175.105 (indirect food contact), or EU 10/2011 (for plastics with deliberate contact with food).

Labels coated with hot melt adhesives developed with the artimeltbiobased property can be safely applied to dry and moist, non-greasy foods, a property confirmed by external laboratories through migration studies. Similarly, adhesives with artimeltfood properties are also suitable for food packaging and for laminating films.




Almost indestructible

For some applications, it is crucial that an adhesive is (almost) impossible to remove. Hot melt adhesives with artimeltpermanent properties meet this requirement. These adhesives exhibit exceptionally good adhesion to a wide range of different surfaces.




Many end products should be reclosable. This property is achieved by using a special label that can be removed and reapplied several times. This places high demands on hot melt adhesives with artimeltreclosable properties. Based on rubber or radiation-curing acrylate, artimelt can develop a solution for your specific reclosable label or adhesive tape application. Both can be opened and closed several times smoothly, silently, and with no residues.




Removable with no residue

When easily removable labels or adhesive tapes are required, hot melt adhesives with artimeltremovable properties with a rubber or radiation-curing acrylate base are the answer. Your end products can be removed from the relevant surface smoothly, silently, and without leaving a residue. Hot melt adhesives developed on this basis are also ideal for the plastic foams used to temporarily protect products and facilitate the desired adhesive properties on a wide variety of surfaces.




Minimal adhesion

Sometimes it is crucial that a product with an adhesive can be easily removed. We can develop hot melt adhesives with artimeltultraremovable properties for these specific applications. The result is an end product that can be removed with minimal effort.




When it gets cold

Do you want your product to have good adhesion, even when it’s cold? We can develop a hot melt adhesive with artimeltfridge properties for these applications that is suitable for bonding to surfaces refrigerated down to 5°C.




Stay cool

Food sector packaging is in a constant state of flux and the demands on adhesives are constantly increasing. This can leave you out in the cold. However, we can create the right solution for your specific application based on artimeltfreeze – with excellent instant adhesion on very cold surfaces and, even better, permanent adhesion under deep-freeze conditions down to -20 degrees.

Particularly suitable for:

  • Labels in refrigerated and deep-freeze areas
  • Labels for direct contact with dry, moist, non-greasy foods
  • Labels for specially treated packaging films
  • High-speed blister labeling




When it gets really cold

Does your adhesive have to adhere perfectly even at temperatures as low as -40 oC? Then a solution based on artimeltdeepfreeze is the answer for your application.




Clear labeling

If the authenticity or integrity of an end product is extremely important, then artimeltlasermarkable hot melts, which can be labeled or marked using laser technology, are the ideal choice. They enable the quick and easy labeling of serial production or one-off items on the fly. It is also possible to combine various security elements. artimeltlasermarkable is based on classic hot melt formulations to which an additive is added. The labeling can be lasered directly onto the adhesive or through a transparent substrate. The innovative hot melt adhesive meets EU and FDA guidelines in accordance with food regulations.




No release liner material

artimeltlinerless is an attractive and environmentally friendly solution. Linerless labels have a number of advantages: additional labels per roll significantly reduces transport and storage volumes, as well as machine downtime; and by not having a liner, large amounts of liner waste are saved.

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltlinerless properties developed for your application are based on synthetic rubber and are extremely easy to process on hot melt coating equipment. They also demonstrate outstanding cutting properties on a range of thermal printer systems.




For demanding surfaces

Hot melt adhesives with artimeltsurface properties are suitable for difficult surfaces. Depending on your application, this may involve smooth or painted surfaces, metal, LSE or plasticized films, or even coatings and varnishes containing silicone. Certain substrates have low surface tension which negatively affects the adhesion of ordinary adhesives. Your adhesive with artimeltsurface properties is characterized by very strong and even increasing adhesion over time. These labels or adhesive tapes cannot be removed from the surface without damaging it: either the label is destroyed, or the adhered surface is affected.

Suitable for:

  • Pharmaceutical packaging
  • Tamper-proof labels
  • Round adhesives
  • RFID security labels
  • Sealing tapes for envelopes and security bags
  • Tapes for construction applications





If you are involved in bonding multiple layers, artimeltlamination is the perfect starting point for your non-PSA adhesive. Typical applications include bonding multilayer membranes or insulation materials. Depending on the application, different open times can be defined.




The specific properties of artimeltsealing allow us to develop non-PSA adhesives for your application that can be sealed hot or cold. Different application areas and sealing temperatures are possible, including hot/hot, hot/cold and cold/cold sealing.





Hot melt adhesives with artimeltsepia properties can change color! Influencing factors such as cold or heat make this possible allowing packaging adhesives, labels or adhesive tapes on containers to change color during transportation or storage when temperatures fall below specified levels.

Tamper-evident solutions for security applications is a specialist field: this includes security labels, security adhesive tapes or security packaging closures treated with cold spray. We will develop a solution to meet your specific application requirements





artimelt can provide tamper-evident hot melt adhesives for use in VOID printing or thermal ink applications. Our solutions with artimelttamper properties allow us to develop an adhesive for your particular application with very high adhesion to the packaging materials in a wide temperature range. They can also reliably transfer the lettering of a VOID print without interfering with other security components such as temperature-sensitive thermal inks to indicate excessively high temperatures.





As the name suggests, the distinguishing feature of hot melt adhesives developed for your application with artimeltcolored properties is color. For example, simply through its visibility, coloring makes it easy to see where the adhesive has been coated. Uncoated or insufficiently coated parts or areas can therefore be screened out. Or the color of the adhesive clearly shows it is the right one, e.g. when different adhesives are used. Almost all color variants are possible, including corporate and logo colors.



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